Terms and Conditions


The general terms and conditions set forth below will apply to all sales of goods by GAS ALARM SERVICES and its partners, through the online store https://gasalarm.ro/ to the Buyer and may be modified at any time by GAS ALARM SERVICES without prior notice .

hus, the following terms will mean: Buyer - natural person / legal entity or other legal entity that issues an Order. Seller - GAS ALARM SERVICES, with the trade name GAS ALARM SERVICES, having its registered office in Str. Horatiu nr.3 Bucuresti, CUI RO14607429, nr. for registration in the Trade Register J40 / 3455/2002. Goods - any product, including the documents and services mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer. Order - an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer, through which the Seller agrees to deliver the Goods and the Buyer agrees to receive these Goods and make payment to them. Contract - an Order confirmed by the Seller. Intellectual Property Rights - all intangible rights such as know-how, copyright and copyright, database rights, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks and domain name registrations for any of the above. Site - https://gasalarm.ro/ domain and its subdomains.


By launching an electronic Order on the website https://gasalarm.ro/, the Buyer agrees with the form of communication (e-mail, telephone) through which the Seller carries out its operations. The order will consist of the following documents: The order (together with clear information on delivery and billing dates) and its specific conditions.

Terms and Conditions

If the Seller confirms the Order, this implies a full acceptance of the terms of the Order. The acceptance of the Order by the Seller is considered completed when there is an electronic confirmation (e-mail) from the Seller to the Buyer, without requiring an acknowledgement of receipt from him. The seller does not consider at any time an unconfirmed order as having the value of a Contract.Order confirmation is done electronically (e-mail). The prices of the products in the order are valid for 3 working days from the date of registration of the order. The general terms and conditions of sale will form the basis of the Contract thus concluded.


The Seller will use his professional and technical knowledge to achieve the result stipulated in the Order and will deliver the Goods that meet the requirements and specifications of the Buyer expressed in the Order; The information presented on the Seller's websites is informative and may be modified by the Seller, without prior notice. Product descriptions may be incomplete, but the seller makes every effort to present the most relevant information so that the product can be used within the parameters for which it was purchased;


The User / Buyer understands the intellectual property right and will not disclose to a third party or make public any of the information received from the Seller. All drawings, graphics and design elements appearing on the site, the name of the site and the graphic signs are trademarks of the property of GAS ALARM SERVICES and may not be taken over, copied or used without the written consent of the owner. All content elements such as descriptions, drawings, graphics and design elements appearing on the site, including but not limited to logos, stylised representations, commercial symbols, still images, dynamic images, text and / or multimedia content presented on site, are the exclusive property of GAS ALARM SERVICES, to which all rights obtained for this purpose are reserved directly or indirectly through licenses for use and / or publication. The User / Buyer is not permitted to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, link to, expose, include any of the foregoing in any context other than the original intended by GAS ALARM SERVICES, the inclusion of any content outside of the Site, the removal of GAS ALARM SERVICES copyright in content and participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying content, than with the express written consent of GAS ALARM SERVICES.


The entire content of the site and the graphic elements, including but not limited to them, respectively all the content in text format, as well as the technical sources of all present and future services and facilities - unless another owner is expressly mentioned - the sources of the pages but also any other material, transmitted in any form by and to the Users (by direct viewing on the site, through newsletters, etc.) belong to GAS ALARM SERVICES.

The content of the site, regardless of the area in which it is located on the site and regardless of the type, can be used exclusively for personal purposes. Any use of content by third parties for purposes other than personal, may be made only with the written, express and prior consent of GAS ALARM SERVICES. Therefore, the copying, retrieval, reproduction, publication, transmission, sale, partial, complete or modified distribution of the content of this site or of any part thereof made for purposes other than personal is prohibited, with the following exceptions:

(i) it is allowed to reproduce (on non-commercial sites, forums, press articles, etc.) small fragments of published articles (max. 400 characters), being mandatory to specify the source of the information taken, with a link, in the following form: (Source: site name - link to site content). (ii) links to the website https://gasalarm.ro/ are allowed, and the specification of the source of the information will be made after each link or at the end of the article, as follows: “Information provided courtesy of GAS ALARM SERVICES - link to the content of the site)

Users undertake to respect all copyrights and all related rights and any other intellectual property rights that the Site Administrator and its partners own over / in connection with the site https://gasalarm.ro/.

GAS ALARM SERVICES reserves the right to sue any person and / or entity that violates in any way the above provisions. Requests to use the content of the site for any purpose other than personal can be made by e-mail to the email address info@gasalarm.ro, with the specification "For the attention of the agency".

Any person who transmits or publishes information or materials to the site in any way assumes the obligation not to prejudice in any way the copyright that a third party may invoke in connection with the materials and information transmitted in any way to the site. , and the persons who send in any way information or materials understand and accept that the violation in any way of this obligation cannot in any way engage the responsibility of GAS ALARM SERVICES, but only the responsibility of the respective persons.

GAS ALARM SERVICES may run advertising campaigns and / or promotions at any time in any section of the site, without this operation requiring the consent of the Site Users. The spaces and the size of the advertising campaigns and promotions do not require the consent of the Users of the site and can be changed at any time without requiring prior notice.

GAS ALARM SERVICES does not assume responsibility for damages or losses resulting from advertising campaigns or promotions organised on the site, other than those organised strictly on the site.


GAS ALARM SERVICES does not assume the obligation and does not guarantee implicitly or expressly, for the content of the site, respectively for the content offered by its partners or by the Users of the site. However, GAS ALARM SERVICES will make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and professional manner in which the information is provided on the Site, in order to gain and maintain the trust of Users in the Site. In this sense, GAS ALARM SERVICES will try to correct as soon as possible the reported errors and omissions.

The site administrator does not offer any guarantees for the content of the site and in no situation can be held responsible for any loss or damage that may result from the use of any part / sequence / page on the site or the impossibility of using it, regardless of its cause or the misinterpretation of any provision of the site content.

The information provided through the site is provided in good faith, from sources considered to be reliable. If any of the published articles or any other information falls under the copyright law, please Users to contact us at the e-mail address mailto: info@gasalarm.ro, in order to take the necessary measures. At the same time, Users should be aware that the information provided may include any inaccurate information (eg technical data or typing errors). The site administrator will do all the necessary diligence to correct these issues as soon as possible.

Users understand and accept that GAS ALARM SERVICES does not guarantee:

that the information contained on the site is fully complete;

that the information entered by the Users of the website is real, correct and does not assume responsibility for the way in which the visitors use it;

that the information or services on the site will satisfy all the requirements of the Users, and for their inappropriate use the Users assume the entire responsibility;

for the results obtained by the Users as a result of the use of the information or services available through the site, the use of the information and services being made by the Users at their own risk;

that the services available through the site will operate constantly, uninterrupted, without errors - in this respect, GAS ALARM SERVICES does not assume responsibility for any damage that Users may have due to temporary or malfunctioning of the site or for the use of the information obtained by using the links from the site to other sites (their use is at the discretion of the Users).Users also understand and accept that GAS ALARM SERVICES is not responsible for any inadvertences, errors or omissions in the information provided on the site by Users. At the same time, the Users understand and accept that GAS ALARM SERVICES is absolved of any responsibility for the advertising messages posted on the site or through the services offered through the site, as well as for the goods or services provided by the authors of these advertising messages. Users expressly agree to release GAS ALARM SERVICES from liability for any legal or extrajudicial action that arises as a result of incorrect or fraudulent use of the Site. For cases of force majeure, GAS ALARM SERVICES and / or its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives are totally exonerated from any liability. Cases of force majeure include, but are not limited to, malfunctions of GAS ALARM SERVICES technical equipment, failure of internet connection, failure of telephone connections, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the Site's systems, operating errors, and so on Users agree to protect and insure GAS ALARM SERVICES and / or its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives from and against any claims, claims, actions, taxes, losses, damages, costs (including, without any kind of limitation, attorneys' fees), expenses, lawsuits, decisions, fines, regularizations or other obligations resulting from or related to any other action of the Users in connection with the use of the site or the services offered through it. GAS ALARM SERVICES does not offer any guarantee, neither expressly nor implicitly, as regards, but not limited to the operation of the site https://gasalarm.ro/, the information, content, materials or products on the site, as well as their suitability for a specific purpose. Users expressly agree that the use of this site and the application of the information is at their own risk.


The users of the site have the possibility to receive newsletters and alerts by e-mail, there is the possibility that the Users can opt at any time for the option of not receiving such notifications, with a single click on the unsubscribe link from the newsletter / alert received on the email explicitly entered when subscribing.

Given that the access to the products offered through the site is made through an active account, so based on a username and password, we recommend Users not to disclose these items to third parties, even if they say that will contact you from the site.

Also, in order to ensure an increased level of security, at the end of the visit on the site we recommend closing the browser window in which you worked or clicking on "Sign out" / "Log off" on the page visited.


The price, payment method and payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods, the obligation of the Buyer being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.

For a correct communication of the invoice related to the Order, the Buyer has the obligations to update whenever necessary the data from his Account and to access the information and documents related to each existing Order in the Account.

By sending the Order, the Buyer agrees to receive the invoices also in electronic format by e-mail, to the e-mail address mentioned in his Account.


The Seller undertakes to ship the Goods and Services in a door-to-door courier system to the Buyer.

The Seller releases from the risks and responsibilities associated with the Goods and Services when handing them over to the domestic courier company with which the Seller collaborates or to the Buyer's representative.

The seller will ensure the proper packaging of the Goods and Services and will ensure the transmission of the accompanying documents.

The Seller shall not be liable for damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller's fulfillment of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods after delivery and in particular for loss of products . The Seller will be liable if its subcontractors and / or partners of any kind involved in the execution of the Order do not fulfil any of the contractual obligations.

The seller does not assume responsibility for the descriptions of the products presented on the site. The images are presented on the site as an example, and the delivered products may differ from the images and descriptions displayed on the site in any way, due to changes in features and design without notice. The seller reserves the right to complete and modify any information on the site without prior notice.

The seller does not guarantee the availability in stock of the displayed products, which is why he will have the right not to deliver part or all of a certain order if certain products no longer appear in the current offer or are not available.

If the prices or other details regarding the products have been displayed incorrectly, including due to the fact that they have been entered incorrectly in the database, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the delivery of that product and to notify the customer as soon as possible. the error occurred if the delivery has not yet taken place.

The seller is not liable for damages created as a result of the non-functioning of the site as well as for those resulting from the impossibility of accessing certain links published on the site.

The maximum value of the Seller's obligations towards any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the value of the amounts collected by the Seller from that customer. The products sold on the site are intended for personal use, and their resale is strictly prohibited, according to the Fiscal Code. 11. Delivery of products Delivery is not free and is done by express courier as described in the "Deliveries" section. Our products are sometimes made to order, which makes the production and delivery time to be up to 14 working days from the day of order processing. Orders are processed as soon as possible after placing the order, between Monday and Friday from 10:00 to 18:00. In the case of orders placed outside business hours (Monday - Friday 10: 00-18: 00) or on weekends, they will be processed on the first working day. On holidays and during discount periods, the delivery time may be extended. If the package cannot be delivered (the recipient does not respond, the address you specified is wrong, etc.), you will be contacted by telephone by the courier. If the recipient cannot be contacted, the parcels remain with the area courier for 7 days, after which they return to the Shipper. We are not responsible for delayed shipments, loss, destruction, damage, non-delivery or incorrect delivery of a shipment or part of it if they are generated by the following situations / circumstances beyond our control, but not limited to:

- roadblocks (tree falls, cliffs, chain collisions), landslides near the road;

- falls of bridges, blockages of mountain tunnels, derailment of trains near the road, natural blockages, unauthorised strikes, spontaneous regional riots, unfavourable weather conditions for the smooth running of the proposed route;

- natural causes: earthquakes, cataclysms, devastating storms, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, river spills, riverbed abandonment, etc;

- human causes: state of war, state of siege, forced nationalization (transfer to state ownership), revolutions, popular uprisings, etc .;

- non-compliance with orders by suppliers and third parties.


Acceptance will be made when the Goods comply with the technical characteristics mentioned in the Order. If the Buyer finds that the Products delivered do not comply with the technical specifications, then the Seller will bring the Products into conformity. Also, for the products sold and delivered by GAS ALARM SERVICES, the Buyer benefits from the return of the products in 14 days.


Ownership of the Goods will be transferred upon delivery, after payment by the Buyer at the location indicated in the order (meaning delivery - signing the receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or signing the receipt on the tax invoice in case of deliveries made by the Seller's staff) . In the case of delivery by courier, it is not authorised by the Seller to allow the Buyer to open the packages before signing the delivery, but only after signing the delivery and paying for their possible value.


The buyer can request the return of the products in the following situations:

The packages are severely damaged;

The products were delivered / invoiced incorrectly. Delivery of products other than those requested must be reported immediately. The buyer can request its return for replacement, and if the product is no longer in stock, he can opt for replacement or full refund of the value. If the replacement with a higher value product is agreed, he will pay the difference, respectively if the value is lower, he will receive a partial refund up to the value of the replacement product. Return and shipping costs for the replacement product, if any, are borne by the customer.

The products have manufacturing defects;

The Buyer has the right to notify the Seller in writing that he renounces the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 14 days of receiving the product. Also, in accordance with art. 7 para. 1 of O.G. 130/2000, the Buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, in writing, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product / products, without penalties and without invoking any reason. In this case, the direct costs of returning the products will be borne, according to law, by the Buyer.

The products must be returned in the original packaging, with the invoice attached, to show no signs of physical wear or damage.

Customised products cannot be returned. Please note that these products are created according to the configurations you specify, so they cannot be changed or returned.

If the replacement with a higher value product is agreed, the Buyer will pay the difference, respectively if the value is lower, he will receive a partial refund up to the value of the replacement product. Return and shipping costs for the replacement product, if any, are borne by the Buyer. If the products whose return is requested have damaged or incomplete packaging, traces of wear, scratches, bumps, we reserve the right to decide to accept the return or to stop an amount, the amount that will be communicated after assessing the damage.

In case of exercising the legal right to return the product, the refund of its equivalent value will be made by bank transfer to the account indicated by the Buyer within 14 days from the receipt of the returned product.


In order to ensure compliance with the right of site users to the protection of personal data, we have implemented specific protection measures, taking into account Romanian legislation, as well as the requirements established by Regulation (EU) 2017/679 - applicable throughout the European Union from of 25 May 2018 (the “Regulation”).

Personal data is any information by which you can be identified, in particular by an identifying element such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more related elements. with your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Our company takes all necessary measures to ensure the observance of your right to the protection of personal data, and these conditions represent the notification established by art. 13 or 14 of the Regulation, which explains why we collect your personal data, how we protect this data, and what your rights are in relation to this data collection.

We encourage you to read the document carefully and to request any additional information or clarification that you deem necessary regarding the content of this information.

1) General considerations regarding your personal data

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/679, GAS ALARM SERVICES will securely manage and only for the specified purposes, the personal data provided by Users. Through the Terms and Conditions, the Users are informed that the personal data they provide are to be processed in order to offer in optimal conditions by GAS ALARM SERVICES the internet services, the provision of goods and services, the advertising, marketing and publicity services. and statistical services.

GAS ALARM SERVICES performs the following processing operations: collection, registration, organization, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use and, in some cases, transmission to third parties, on the exclusive and regulated basis of a commercial contract that ensures security and confidentiality data, as well as the observance of the user's rights, of the personal data of the Users of the site in order to manage, maintain, improve and obtain information regarding the services it offers, as well as to prevent errors and information leaks through its own IT network. violations of the law or contractual terms.

The personal data to be collected may be used, including by automatically creating profiles (for those Users who have expressed their explicit consent) and to personalize as much as possible the services offered to Users through the site such as and for marketing purposes. The automatic creation of profiles will not target the data of minors, their personal data not being processed for this purpose.

Personal data will be provided by Users, at their own option, when creating a valid account on the site or subscribing to a service available on the site, to benefit from the services and products offered through it. When registering on the site, the User is requested certain personal data, such as name and surname, sex, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone, profession, habits / preferences / behaviour, but also other personal information.

The user is solely responsible for all data provided when creating the user account on the site. To confirm the data and the account, the User will be notified at the e-mail address declared when creating the account. This confirmation email is intended to stop the fraudulent actions of users who use other people's email addresses to create fictitious accounts. If you receive such a message, if you have not registered personally on the site, please send us an e-mail to mailto: info@gasalarm.ro to delete the account in a maximum of 3 working days. The e-mail will contain, in pdf format, the current version of this Agreement.

The User profile form contains fields that can be edited if you want to modify or complete the data provided when creating the account.

The user is not obliged to provide this data, they being necessary i) the evidence about the use of the site and ii) the offer in optimal conditions of the services through it, in order to inform the promotional campaigns, for advertising purposes, for actions of personalized marketing and advertising and for the User's access to additional facilities. The User's refusal to provide the requested data determines the non-participation in the promotional actions organized through the site and the non-use of the facilities, additional services offered exclusively to the Users with an account in this website.

The Website may also be used if the User decides not to create a profile by providing personal data, with the exceptions set out in the Cookies Policy (an integral part of this Agreement)

According to Regulation (EU) 2017/679 and Law no. 677/2001, the Users benefit from the right of access, of intervention on the data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, Users have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning them and to request the deletion of data.

To exercise these rights, Users may make a written request to this effect, which they will send by e-mail to mailto: info@gasalarm.ro with the specification "Request personal data".

The Site undertakes not to send spam messages (commercial messages for which it does not have the explicit prior consent of the User) and to take all available technical means to ensure the security and confidentiality of the user's data.

The Site reserves the right to terminate, without prior notice, the accounts and access of members who violate the Terms and Conditions, who engage in proven activities of fraud, slander or attack on the security and confidentiality of information within the site or the company operating the site.

2) The personal data we collect, the grounds for collection and the purposes of collection

Within the online communication relationship established between the site and the user, we collect and process your personal data, the collection and processing of this data being necessary to provide informative and promotional content to the user, following the completion, by him, of personal data. voluntarily, within the site, by accessing one or more of the sections: account creation, account update, newsletter subscription, online questionnaire completion, online form completion, for obtaining personalised information or commercial benefits, within campaigns promoted on the site.

The grounds for collecting personal data on the site may be the following:

the data subject has given his or her consent to the processing of personal data for one or more specific purposes

the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract.

the processing is necessary in order to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the operator. processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person the processing is necessary for the performance of a task which serves a public interest or which results in the exercise of the public authority with which the operator is invested. the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or a third party, unless the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject prevail, which require the protection of personal data, especially when the data subject is a child. In the listings below we present in detail what personal data collected as well as the basis, purpose and duration of their collection. The provision of the data indicated below is not mandatory to view the Website, except for those concerning Cookies. The data indicated are only necessary to provide specific services to the Users who transmit them.Personal data we collect: Name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, geographical location data, correspondence address, social media profiles link Grounds for collecting this data: 1), 6)

Purposes of personal data collection:

To provide access to content and answers to questions and requests submitted by the user online, for the transmission of communications, offers and benefits consisting of access to services and products

Method and period of data collection:

Within the secure database, until the expression of the explicit desire for deletion by the user or up to 10 years from the user's last activity on the site. After 10 years, the data will be anonymously electronically.

Personal data we collect:

Cookies, timestamps (date and time of access), site browsing history

Grounds for collecting this data:

1), 6) Purposes of personal data collection:

To monitor the site's traffic and its access history, to achieve the content hierarchy and to identify the most relevant content for the user.

Method and period of data collection:

Within the secure database, until the expression of the explicit desire for deletion by the user or up to 10 years from the user's last activity on the site. After 10 years, the data will be anonymously electronically. 3) How to store your personal data, location, retention period

We will store your personal data for a period not exceeding the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data are processed, and, in cases where we have a legal obligation to keep your personal data for a certain period of time, the period storage will be the one provided by law. Depending on the concrete situation, this period will vary, and can be between 1 day and 10 years.

For a better understanding of how to store, where your personal data will be stored and the exact period for which this data will be kept in our records or systems, please see the table above.

In order to guarantee the right of the user to be protected with regard to the processing of personal data, we implement, for certain categories of data having a sensitive character or which are able to affect the rights in a significant way, special measures of a technical and organizational nature, to protect these categories of personal data.

4) Users' rights regarding personal data and their exercise

In order to protect the data as high as possible, the user has a series of rights regulated by law, which we present briefly below, please do not hesitate to contact the data protection officer for any additional details. staff from our Company, using the following contact details: mailto: info@gasalarm.ro, Str. Horatiu nr.3 Bucharest, phone 021 311 07 89.

The right of access

The user has the right to obtain access to his personal data that we process, as well as the right to obtain copies of them. At the user's request, the first such copy will be provided to us by us free of charge, and any additional copies you may request may be subject to a fee corresponding to the effort required for extraction and formatting for transmission. A copy of your personal data may be provided to you in either electronic or physical format, depending on your request and the nature of the date requested. In order to request information about the personal data existing on the site, as well as to request the partial or total deletion of these data, it is necessary to address the request using the e-mail address mailto: info@gasalarm.ro or to send a letter by post or courier at the registered office of GAS ALARM SERVICES.

The user also has the right to obtain any additional relevant information (such as the reason for the processing of personal data, the categories of personal data we collect, information on the processing and disclosure of such data and any other such information).

The right to rectification of data

The user has the right to obtain the rectification of any inaccuracies concerning his personal data processed by us. He also has the right to obtain the completion of any personal data that is incomplete. Any user is encouraged to contact the site at mailto: info@gasalarm.ro whenever they notice that there is an inaccuracy regarding their personal data or that their personal data processed by GAS ALARM SERVICES are incomplete.

The right to delete data

The user has the right to delete personal data. This right is not an absolute right, which means that the law imposes certain restrictions on the exercise of this right ("the right to be forgotten").

The right to restrict data processing

The user has the right to obtain a restriction on the processing of his personal data that we collect and process, especially if he disputes the accuracy of the data, if the data processing is illegal or if the processing of such data is no longer necessary. , according to the law.

The right to object

The user has the right to object to the processing of personal data by us, especially if the processing is carried out for marketing purposes or for reasons related to the particular situation in which he is, in which case his data must be anonymity in the shortest time after notifying the objection from the site database and anonymity them must be confirmed to the user.

The right to withdraw consent

For personal data processed on the basis of consent, the user has the right to withdraw his consent at any time, as easily as he initially gave it. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing of data that we performed before the withdrawal of consent. The right to withdraw consent is not absolute, which means that there are cases where the data will not be deleted as a result of the withdrawal of consent (for example, if personal data are used to make the site comply with an obligation legal). The application of the withdrawal of consent is applied from the moment of its registration and the operation of the withdrawal of consent will be performed in maximum 3 working days from the registration.

The right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority The user has the right to submit a complaint to the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing with reference to the aspects regarding the processing of personal data by our Company.

The automated decision-making process, including profiling and the right to request that decisions based on automatic data processing or that significantly affect individuals be made by individuals, not exclusively computers

Personal data is collected and processed through an automated decision-making process in order to personalise the information and commercial communications addressed to you. The automated decision-making process involving health data is based on your express consent.

In these processes, your data is protected by special security measures such as data encryption and advanced server-level security of the database.

You have the right to request a change in the way your personal data is processed automatically by requesting verification of the automated process by human intervention. For this purpose, please contact us at the email address mailto: info@gasalarm.ro.

5) Exercise of rights

In order for the user to be able to exercise the rights specified above, to ask us any questions regarding these rights or to ask us for clarifications regarding any of the provisions of this information, please contact us at any time, using the contact information.

How to send requests or complaints - contact person

To find out more information about personal data, how the data is collected, processed and protected or to request any clarification regarding those mentioned in these Terms and Conditions any user may contact the person responsible at any time. with the protection of personal data within the company, by sending an email to mailto: info@gasalarm.ro or by mail to Str. Horatiu nr.3 Bucharest.


Neither party will be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such non-performance is due to force majeure. Force majeure is the unpredictable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.



This contract is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes between GAS ALARM SERVICES and users / customers / buyers will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved by the competent Romanian courts.


GAS ALARM SERVICES does not have any campaigns with special offers.


GAS ALARM SERVICES reserves the right to modify at any time and in any way any of the provisions contained in the Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions in its entirety, without any prior notice and without being obliged to fulfil any other formality towards Users. Any modification is fully and unconditionally accepted by the Users of the site by the simple use or access to the site or any facility offered by the site, which occurred at any time after the modification operation, and the non-acceptance of any modification entails the obligation of the site and / or the use in any way of the services offered through it.